best friend

The first post on this website needs to be about my best friend. Without her, this would not be possible. She has been with me since I was 21 years old. I know life with her longer than I know it without. She has supported me with all my adventures. She met me and wanted to be part of my life when I was young and interested in a more “dangerous” lifestyle. Rock Climbing, Downhill Mountain Biking, Fighting with Shoplifters, Martial Arts, etc. She was with me through many mental and spiritual struggles as I tried to navigate life’s difficult questions.

She has more discipline in life than I could ever hope to have. Her work ethic, her dedication to her family, her mental toughness that does not allow her to be a victim of life is unmatched. She performed the greatest miracle a human can perform and almost paid the ultimate price. Our 2 daughters are a constant reminder of her toughness and resilience

Thank you for sharing this life with me. You inspire me to be better.

I love you Maryann


Way of the warrior 1